Guillaume InnagadadaDBZ

InnagadadaDBZ - the home of Budokai Tenkaichi Source and Korin & Yajirobe.

Check me out on deviantART:

LastFM too:

I do voices. If you want me to be a part of your project send me a message.

PM me if you have a question. If you just want to shoot the breeze, hit me up on MSN.
theanim8or at gmail dot com
Or AIM: Suudsu
Or YIM: Sudinator
Or Skype: Suudsu

Seriously guys, stop trying to have conversations with me through PMs. It floods my e-mail. If you want to talk. Do MSN.
Nom : Innagadadavida
All content contained on this channel is purely fan based and not for profit. All titles, characters, music and stories related to Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball GT belong to FUNimation, Toei Animation, Akira Toriyama, and Fugi TV. Please support official releases of Animes, Movies, Mangas, and Video Games.

Audio contained in AMVs and Dubs are copyrighted content and belong to their respected companies. All copyright information is within the individual videos' descriptions.