Dave Dougherty

Born in April, 1988, Dave’s love for music began when he was a teenager. He was influenced by Led Zeppelin and Metallica and decided to begin playing guitar and string bass. Beginning in 2002 he started taking guitar lessons from Herb Reinke and focused on learning a multitude of styles and techniques. The main styles focused on, however, were jazz, blues, rock and metal. Dave soon began composing music, and debuted his first piece for full orchestra in 2004.
In 2005, Dave traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to record his first full album, Sometimes, All The Time, an instrumental collection featuring the acoustic guitar. The album showcased Dave’s many stylistic interests. In 2006, he enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to study music composition and creative writing. While honing his songwriting skills, in Milwaukee, Dave was exposed to the experimental elements of classical and electronic music.
Attracted to the artistic atmosphere in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Dave moved back to Minnesota to continue his career. Dave is currently finishing a second album, Destinations, which continues down the same vein as his first album, but is the first album to feature vocals. Through his music, Dave strives to push musical boundaries and simultaneously make meaningful connections with the listener.